I am so fed up with life that I just want to die...
But on the other hand, I'm not sure what's going to happen, when I'm dead either.

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    you are dead if you die, you won't exist anymore just the memories of others about you will remain, that's it.

    So, the best option is to live and help people so that they remember you for your good deeds (though it won't affect you after your death because you are dead then, but It will bring happiness to you now, at present, when you are alive) or else just stick around to experience life just because you can.
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    Please don't. I know it sounds like bullshit but things change.
    I was at the same point as you, multiple times. I have attempted suicide multiple times. And if you told me one year ago that i would basically start to live my dream life i would've laughed at you. But here i am.
    I'm there if you need someone.
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    With death, either things are better and/or more interesting, or you stop caring; either way, I don't understand people's fear of it.
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    I'm kind of OK again.
    It's a temporary thought I get from time to time.
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    Thanks to y'all.
    The reason for this is because I'm stuck in a dilemma loop.
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    And that for many many years.
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    @-ANGRY-CLIENT- me too.
    I'd doesn't get better, but it does get boring. That sort of helps.
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