Found my missing flash drive... at the bottom of my broken washing machine... *sigh*
So I've got a broken Windows installation, destroyed flash drive and a washing machine that decided to explode and trip all circuit breakers in the building... what's next?

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    If the flash drive wasn't powered somehow while exposed to water, what I highly doubt :D, and is really dry now, chances are that it'll work just fine.

    Generally its not the water that kills the circuits, but the shorts over the entire board when powered and underwater
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    @Floydian πŸ˜‚
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    @Kimmax do you have a recommended way of cleaning the inside off the stuff that's used to wash clothes? (yea, too lazy to open google translate)

    ooor removing the electronics from their housing? :D
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    @D3add3d nope
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    Pop it open and use alcohol and a toothbrush. The flash drive *SHOULD* be fine.
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    @fuck2code I thought about dropping it into alcohol, let's see what it does
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    Everything comes apart somehow lol. If not, soak it for a bit and give it time to dry. Good luck.
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    @Floydian alcohol acts as a solvent and helps wash away the water and any impurities in the water which can cause a short. I've fixed a number of water logged phones with the alcohol trick.
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    @Floydian I use alcohol to clean PCBs quite often, I would use alcohol to clean the PCB if I somehow got it out, but since I can't...

    I present to you a pickled flash drive πŸ˜‚
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    @fuck2code this is actually technical alcohol because it is denatured and so it is cheaper
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    After @D3add3d finished and plugs to check it, it will be revealed as pc killer driveπŸ™„
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    Rice. It's great to dry electronics.
    The flash drive is probably corroded though.
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    @nbamaral the drive is actually dry... but it's full of the stuff you use to wash clothes
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    @RudeJake nope, it's my flash drive
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    Dunno what's next, but jic put your phone down..
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    How does it taste when you lick it?
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    That's called detergent πŸ™‚
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    So you now got a washed up OS?
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    @Kyu96 maaybe, dunno what's on that drive but I know I needed that data
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    @Condor yes of course. Electricity could even speed the whole oxidation process up
    Devices not made for that sort of exposure to water will fail sooner or later, but a bit of luck and a dried device could allow you to pull the data one last time
    If you would go crazy one could try to solder the memory IC to another identical PCB
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