Me: 3 Years of Android Dev exp in business setting, but no degree

Job: wants 1 year of some Android, but Bachelors required- masters if possible

Me: fuck you, I didnt want to code for you anyway

  • 6
    Just apply. Who cares about requirements. You have nothing to lose :)
  • 4
    @okkimus oh you bet I still applied, regardless of their pretentious requirements
  • 2
    They want a junior fresh out of uni.
    Give them something better.
  • 4
    Provide them with a portfolio of projects you have done the last 3 years. But first ask your customers whether they are fine if you use content of the project you have done with them for your portfolio.
    You need to show and highlight your experiences and skills you have owned. At the end they will give a shit if you have a master or if you come straight out of school...its about getting the right people for the right job
  • 3
    Mention fake bachelors on your resume, give interview, get selected and then reject politely.
    That's what I do.
  • 1
    @vocuzi lol I wish.
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