What is this, what the fuck is this shit?!!
Are you actually serious Google? Android Studio my ass...
The compat joke is a good one...

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    Fuck this shit... I love JetBrains but this steaming pile of shit that Google has created is not usable

    edit: Does IntelliJ IDEA support android development? 🤔
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    ok... there is my answer
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    no shit Sherlock!
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    aaand it's stuck on installing... great... android development is a shitshow...
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    I swear I am going to install some GNU/Linux distro on my phone and write apps in python
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    You wont get shit done cause you're freakin fuming. Go drink some water, breathe and listen to what 'Andy' Studio tells you
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    @darkMatter This is a fucking new project, most up to date version of Android Studio!
    I shouldn't have to fix anything when I create a new project,it should just work! And that installing thing? Still there, still saying nothing to do, only way to close it is to kill the java process which of course kills IntelliJ IDEA.
    I should't have to fucking fix their outdated shit, the deprecated message should not fucking be there at all, I shouldn't have to search how to fix the app compat thing with the tests, I shouldn't get an error that it failed to resolve the new version of firebase auth lib. right after it fucking suggested to update it!
    It's a fucking new project for fuck's sake!
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    @teganburns The firebase auth lib is the least of my concerns... The app compat thing and that gradle message that their shit is deprecated is what drives me nuts.
    Oh yeah and that installing window when trying to use it in IntelliJ IDEA is just... No... I have no words for it... "Nothing to do!" - So what the fuck is it doing for 30 minutes?(I killed the process after that because it did not respond nor to the cancel button, nor to the X)
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    @D3add3d you might wanna check whether you have a ' google() ' repository referenced under 'repositories' in your project gradle file
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    @darkMatter ...once again, IT IS A NEW PROJECT, I literally created the project 2 minutes before I took the first screenshot... and yes, it's there
    edit: and it has been this way (the app compat underlined with red squiggly line) every time I started Android Studio, doesn't matter if it was a year ago or a month ago, doesn't matter how many times I switched harddrives, OSes and redownloaded the android studio, every single time I create a new project the app compat has conflicts... This gradle thingy is a new one tho
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    @D3add3d it's a new project but dependencies change and the IDE doesn't track with those changes. If those changes impact your project you have to manually create a fix
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    @darkMatter it is an official IDE, I shouldn't have to fix their shit if I use the newest version and want to run a hello world app
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    @D3add3d the idea behind dependencies is to offer a way to include external libraries into your project. It is very possible that those libraries have changes appended to them that make them incompatible in the absence of certain other libraries or references. Now i cant conclude your issue but i haven't faced the same so i cant say its a shitty IDE. In fact i think they have done a great job. I've had a rough time setting up python and TypeScript but don't consider them shitty platforms.

    I honestly understand your frustration though.
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    @darkMatter Python is really straightforward(-ish) to set up and TypeScript is even easier, just npm install TypeScript -g, create a tsconfig.json in your project's root directory and when you want to compile just run "tsc", really simple and easy to use... this on the other hand... just google "android studio sucks" or "why is android studio so bad"
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    @darkMatter btw I know what dependencies and libraries are, I'm not stupid, I develop Java programs and webapps for living but as opposed this shit show you don't have to fix anything to run a hello world program in Java SE or Node.js
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    @D3add3d No one suggested you were stupid. For me, Android Studio is pretty simple to get up and running, maybe its because i use it often. I haven't seen an IDE without issues, this is no exception
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    @darkMatter ehm... IntelliJ IDEA.... ehm... (just don't try to create an Android project because that's basically the same as running Android Studio)
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    That appcompat shit fucked the whole game up big time.
    Before that android apps were so easy to create..
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    lol I create new project in Android Studio almost every day and I don't have any problem... And the 'compile' warning shouldn't be there if you really create a new project as you said. GL!
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    @teganburns Haaalp :D I figured out that it was Firebase what caused that shitshow
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    @teganburns I need help with making it updated and making is co-exist with app compat
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    @teganburns well... I first need to sort out the gradle issues, then I can start adding code... pretty much the "new version is available!" - "could not resolve" what you can see in the screenshot at the beginning of this rant
    and also that thing with app compat when you add firebase and gradle freaks out because there is a version mismatch
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