
I have a lot of space left on my hard drive. How do I convert it to RAM ?

  • 5
    I've got this question so many times 😂
  • 27
    Just run a disk defragmentation, open the hard disk drive box with screwdrivers, remove one of the metal disks (preferrably the one down below, that should be keeping the spaces), break it in half and insert it in one of the motherboard ram slots. Should work like a charm.
  • 7
    Humph! No no no, it doesn't work like that. Simply download some from getfreeram.com, much simpler!
  • 4
  • 8
    install Linux and use the majority of your hard drive as swap space

    technically not ram, but it serves a similar purpose
  • 4
    access time for hard drive is about 1000 times more than that for ram, even if u use swap space it wont be an effective solution.
  • 0
    Back-in-the-day swap space.
  • 1
    They need to make a reality tv show about devs where they switch two devs and have them work with each other's teams/project for a week. The name? "SwapSpace" ala "Trading Places"
  • 2
  • 1
    I remembered from old time there was a concept of virtual space in windows similar to swap in linux
  • 0
    Swap file :o)
  • 2
    step 1, put HDD in external USB case that pretends to be a flash drive

    step 2, turn on Windows Vista Readyboost feature

    step 3, enjoy your "RAM"!
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