So I'm thinking about trying arch linux finally :) I've always heard the installation process was complex but I'm wondering if it's gotten easier or maybe it's just all hype? I'm very used to ubuntu and debian based installations. What are your guys thoughts on this?

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    I switched last year in December from ubuntu to arch and it was the best decision I ever had. Installation is very easy if you follow the arch wiki, or take the lazy way and install antergos. I switched, because it was a pain to manually update to the latest nvidia drivers. With arch, you have always the latest version, which can cause issues, but you can install linux-lts or nvidia-lts to be safe. The aur is a pleasure too. I use arch for school and dev work on my laptop and for gaming and dev work on my desktop.
    Give it a try, you won't regret it!
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    @git-fuckyou thanks! That makes me feel better about it :)
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    @konicm8ker @git-fuckyou if you like bleeding in "bleeding edge", then go with arch, if you like just the "edge" antergos, it just takes much more to be up to date with news with arch, than antergos
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    @JoshBent I think I'll try the bleeding route xD
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    In my opinion, it’s like playing dark souls... once u get the hang of it, it’s easy...
    It will still take time to install due to all the manual process, but it will b easy.

    In my opinion, it is definitely worth it because of all the choices and fine grain control u have over ur Linux install 😁
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