
I’d love to hear Alan Turing’s thoughts on this.

  • 5
    @-BSD it's just a button lol
  • 6
    i just read that there is way more behind this than just an input field. obviously...https://quora.com/How-does-the-I-am...
  • 2
    @justmove Interesting :)

    I assumed there was something more to it but never bothered to look it up.

    Also, I believe there can be a slight delay some times, could that be an extended test to see how e react ;)
  • 0
    @-BSD @Haxk20 why would you ever bother with that crap? I mean come on: the main advertised way to get a wallet is to register on a website and give them your data? Gtfo
  • 0
    Let's be optimistic. It is a signal that now we can trust autonomous cars, they already know to solve all transit related captchas.
  • 0
    @Haxk20 yeah, I know
  • 0
    @-BSD Yeah it tracks mouse movements before clicking the toggle to check for human characteristics — if you use a script blocker it will bug you with pictures of traffic signs.
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