
To help get though the day...

  • 2
    "I guess I'll die"
  • 2
    How do you know this has been written by a person that probably isn't a citizen of the EU: € before the number - YOU MONSTER! 😤
  • 0
    @D3add3d I'll correct it when you get everyone in the EU to stop writing 20$
  • 2
    @divipro I write $## 🤷
    It is not an opinion thing or whatever, it's a format and it should be respected because otherwise the number is invalid
  • 1
    Nah. I don’t need alcohol to feed GDPR voids.

    I have php to fuck me over.
  • 1
    I got some serious shopping to do...
  • 1
    sounds lethal even if played with water instead of alcohol...
  • 0
    I don't have enough alcohol for that. And for the record, I got a bar with 50+ bottles of good booze.
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