Are you done yet?
Is it ready for review ?
How far?
Any updates?
When can I check?
We are wasting time..
How long will it take ?
Are you saying this will take 2 days to complete?
Pls raise a cup with me if you can relate.
Add yours too.

  • 4
    A client is triggering us with:

    Please fix!

    And if we resolve the issue immediately:

    Any updates?
  • 2
    My life:

    Add feature A,
    Fix feature C from last sprint
    Learn a new stack and build / deploy feature B, C, D , E in this sprint
    Add feature F to this other project which relates to feature C in this new stack

    Are you done yet?
    What’s taking so long?

    Oh by the way... we have an urgent server migration due which we failed to mention 🤷‍♂️

    So what, you’ll be done by Friday yea?
  • 0
    Your privacy policy is updated
  • 2
    How's it going mate?
    Can it be done today?
    This is a priority.
  • 4
    "I thought this would be a quick hit"

    Yes, you absolutely thought so. You also ignored me when I said it wouldn't be.
  • 1
    i seriously hate these type of clients
  • 2
    Well I have a recent one:
    SM: Hey, can we push task x to Sprint out of scope? It's urgent...
    Me: ... Okay..
    SM 2 days later: oh that task can't go in this Sprint, it has to go on the next one
    Me: no prob, I'll just leave it on the feature branch
    SM the next day: hey, task x must go as an hotfix to prob
    Me: get your shit together!!!
  • 0
    *this is so sad, can we hit 50 likes?*
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