Is there anything more annoying than seeing a junior dev role advertised and when you click on it, then reads like a full stack role 🤔

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    Isn’t the new jnr a full stack?
    Or do they want a full stack at jnr rates?
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    Junior Fullstack
    Does everything
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    Maybe it's more like an opportunity to learn all that?
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    I clicked on Junior dev role and i find requirements like: Minimum 3 years C experience, 4 years C++, PHP, JavaScript, HTML5 , QT, .Net.
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    Well, we usually do this too. The list of wanted skills is exactly that, a wishlist. Sure, if I hire a junior for my team and the guy already knows everything he needs it would make life much easier but I don't expect them too. If the applicant seems to fit in and isn't completely stupid we'll still hire them.

    Plus its a good filter, I can't stand people who always assume they can't do something, if you write out a position with far too many requirements the only ones who apply tend to be the ones who are willing to try unknown stuff.
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    @Godisalie I get what your saying, but that list is not always in the wish list and do add with wish list as well. I just sometimes think it looks daunting for some people and put them off, where as the probably would fit the bill.
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    @DevNotFretPet Like I said, I have no interest in people who doubt their own abilities. I can teach people pretty much every skill they need but I can't teach them to believe in their ability to solve new problems. If I can deter someone by asking for skills they do not have yet I gladly take that, makes my job easier down the line.
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