I've been using ubuntu for more than 2 years now and would like to know why arch is so popular. What advantages does it have over other popular distros?

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    Pure arch is only a minimal installs,
    so it becomes the system you want.
    Ubuntu throws all kinds oft stuff at you, even if you just want to install,
    lets say, xfce.
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    Some of things I like about arch.
    Bleeding edge,
    Minimal - I get to decide what I want to install, my installation is year old and it just has < 600 packages as of now.
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    Mainly pacman and aur.

    And you can look down on those who don't use arch, unless they use gentoo
  • 3
    Because Minimalist installation process

    Near-complete customization

    Excellent package management

    Offers bleeding-edge software; always up to date (hence, rolling-release)

    The very complete Arch User Repository; every package you want is highly likely to be either in the official repositories or in the AUR

    Godlike wiki
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