rant && dev && education

So I just interviewed this guy for admission into our bootcamp and because he has raised some red flags before, I asked him to just write a factorial function and he chose HTML to do it. I told him he can certainly try thinking that maybe he doesn't know that whatever you write inside script tag is actually JavaScript. He went on to do this. What bothers me is he have a computer science diploma.

Till now I have just heard of these people but always taught those are just marketing or some person who think that just because they here HTML with some other programming language. BUT THIS IS SOME NEXT LEVEL SHIT.

  • 46
    10/10 for... umm... ok no, what the fuck is this?
  • 9
    Wtf... seriously 😐
  • 15
    😂 Thanks for the laugh
  • 44
    The solution is wrong coz he never declared the variables. He doesn't even know that HTML5 is statically typed language what a dummy.

  • 6
    @not-kishan ya 😢
  • 6
    @over9000 “i” is fine for loose typed languages, “n” on the other hand should have been declared prior or equate to a function return of some kind if we want to be following JS here.
  • 6
    Not sure what bothers me more, the indentation, the wrong stop condition or his inconsistent, at least he could close the for tag 🤔
  • 5
    I like the spacing around the semicolons.
  • 1
    @Brosyl I was about to ask this 😛.
  • 3
    The Definitive Guide to Code in HTML. Wow.
  • 20
    Im gonna commit sudoku now
  • 2
    @zlice i have a feeling a lot of people would have a collection of my comments if you could
  • 2
    typical fresh graduate from shady universities in third word country.
  • 1
    @rammmukul is that person from indian university?
  • 9
    The fuck..
  • 10
    He lives in 2070 while we are in 2018
  • 0
    @deeploop yes I already told that he is Infact from India, I'm from India, the bootcamp is in India.
  • 2
    @RudeJake @C0D4 so he chose HTML to program and you are concerned about that.
  • 3
    @rammmukul I’m concerned he learnt from someone or some YouTube video that this is remotely correct.

    I have no problem with people who can write HTML, I do it daily amongst a lot of other things.

    But a for loop as a html tag?
  • 0
    OMG what the hell is this?!?!
  • 1
    that's balls
  • 1
    @RudeJake closing the for tag... That would have been elegant 👌
  • 1
  • 0
  • 1
    HTML6 with no js framework.
    Is there any new Ideas for CSS4?
  • 1
    @Brosyl Infact he first chose PHP for the task and then said it will be difficult to do in PHP can I use HTML, I said ya you can certainly try that "jokingly" then he did this. Also it doesen't even look like PHP (don't you need to use $ to access a variable?)
  • 0
    Yeah he has that diploma because he bought it.
  • 1
    Hahaha although it is hideous I kind of had a warm feeling about <> instead of () , weird...
  • 0
    @azous actually ya you don't have to have () around your init, cond and exp but In this case he has included for inside <> then what's the point just do it like python. And yes I recognise that is because he was trying to do it in a xml like syntax even then he is wrong on so many levels.
  • 3
    Nuke it from space, it's the only way to be sure.
  • 0
    I don't get it, what's so wrong here?
  • 1
    Also before yall decide to murder me please note that i am infact joking.
    This is hideous
  • 0
    Your last paragraph is tripping me up man
  • 8
    Seriously? Lol
    I could think of... like, 7 errors right off the bat. Hold on...

  • 5
    Also, this.

    (And yeah, I spent like 10 minutes to do this editing lol)
  • 2
    @Gaetano96 you deserve a medal.
  • 2
    What. The. Fuck. I mean, maaaaybe if they nested an actual JS loop in there, but where tf did they get this idea?
  • 7
    @rammmukul Thanks! :D 💙
  • 2
    I could understand this if it was their first time in something like C; but a computer science student, with HTML?

    come on, man
  • 1
    someone kill me please
  • 0
    @C0D4 actually JSP....
  • 0
    @Frederick I'd bet the IDE generated the html (apart from whatever tf the for loop attempt is). I know in sublime typing HTML and hitting tab generates basic HTML including a title.
  • 3
    I just got my bachelor in computer science a month ago.
    Some of my colleagues that finished at the same time do not know basics that any IT person should know. I still think they're happy that they know where to turn on the PC.

    I am really horrified that they could gain a bachelor here in Germany.

    I guess that is the reason why most employers here still think bachelor is not worth it and master is.. Well, master race.
  • 2
    Dear god.
    How do you even get a diploma with shit like that?
  • 1
    @Puff I don't exactly remember but considering that there's no closing html tag I highly doubt that.
  • 0
    Dude this makes me sad, wth are schools teaching? And damn dude thats just ugly as heck.
  • 0
    That's... That's not how this works...
  • 0
    @rammmukul oh crap, you're right. In that case, I have no idea what he had the title tag for...
  • 0
    What the actual fuck. Are you sure he isn't just trolling?
  • 1
    Drop the table ! 🤣😮 ...
  • 2
    Delete this before someone gets a hang of this. JSX has already troubled a lot of folks. Next thing you know HTML 6 supports conditional statements... save this planet.
  • 0
    I’d love to know what his thought process was on this at least.
  • 0
    Kill it with fire...
  • 2
    @Gaetano96 Yeah even in js, this would throw more errors than 1 line should
  • 0
    I think he is studied from Anna University
  • 0
    @sh1ftsh It's a bit late to do that also he did not finish it this was all he wrote and said he can't do it.
  • 2
    @Brosyl Yaaaay, thanks :D
  • 2
    The future, now.

    I'm just commenting that so that when bots and all take over the earth, and this is how code is written, at least then I'll be in their good books for saying something good about it earlier 🤣
  • 1
    Neee, he just declared all the variables in the CSS , I mean c'mon , who doesn't do this
  • 2
    Does he know what factorial means?
  • 0
    Hmm.... He forgot close the for-tag 🤔
  • 0
    I don't believe you 😀 this can't be true it just can't be.
  • 0
    @not-kishan true that dude
  • 2
    Absolutely god tier code right there
  • 0
    This is perfectly valid htmlscript5
  • 0
    Of course this isn't going to work... he forgot to close the <for> tag.
  • 0
    I don't see what the problem is 🤔
  • 0
    @Frederick why dafuq did you put the before dafuq considering dafuq is a contraction of the and Fuck?
  • 0
  • 1
    Maybe he’s just fucking with you
  • 0
    Did he close the html tag?
  • 0
  • 1
    Ouch ouch ouch ouch! How?! Why?!!

    I try not to look down at people with less experience, but unless this is a typo, or really rattled nerves, it betrays a deep misunderstanding of what a for loop even does.

    I cannot believe that this person graduated from a real program.
  • 2
    The worst part is that it’s not even a factorial function.
  • 1
    I'm sure there' a js framework out there that uses this templating syntax
  • 1
    Kill him and show this to judge even the judge will spare you.
  • 0
    @daksh Srsly? Why the hell? I just started studying CS B.Sc . First semester: Learn all the basics with Pascal or burn in hell.
  • 1
    Must have confused with PHP delimiters but can't excuse for parentheses.
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