

  • 17
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    Is it still in development? I'm not a vim user but just wondering
  • 6
    @gitpush It is. If my memory doesn't fail me, it has been 3 weeks since last update :)
  • 2
    Vim is life
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    Are you not supposed to Dev with tmux and vim? ...news to me. :)
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    I was thinking about trying and learning the vim commands and hotkeys, as my colleagues like it (I just know basic ones, insert and exit ;)).

    Is there any benefit compared to my beloved Jetbrains IDE?

    Yea, it has a vim Plugin, I know, but what are the benefits? Oo
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    @illegaldisease good to know cuz from what I see it is a very popular software among sys admins or those who prefer working in terminal rather than GUI so was just wondering
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    @Emphiliis - Not really. Just no GUI needed in that you can do everything from an SSH session.
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    @Emphiliis there is a study that indicates that, you as a developer, are more productive if you know very well the ide you use: what're the capabilities, what're the shortcuts, what can't do, etc...

    the advantage of using vim is that, there are, I don't know, 20 basic normal keys, the vast majority of features are in command that you type? the shortcuts you build yourself choosing the keys you want to apply to, etc, and as it was you that configured the hole thing, of course you're gonna know well it, alas you are gonna be veeery productive with it.

    for example, begin the things that I use the most, saving and quiting, I configured a shortcut to <space>e, to quit, and <space>s to save.

    and <insert> to add the current file in the git staging area, and <space>gg to commit the changes, and <space>h to move the cursor to the begging of the line (non white space) and VV to select the hole line except whitespaces, well, you get the ideia.

    you can also see I got a thing for spaces haha
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    @Emphiliis of course. if you really know well your current ide productivity is not a concern.

    for me, I choose vim because I can keep my hands in the same place and never have to touch the mouse.

    It literally hurts more to me using mouse than only keyboard, and actually helps everyone keeping your hands at the same place.

    you just may not feel the different, but it releases some stress of your muscles.

    those are the only two benefits I have knowledge of using vim, and this second one was enough for me 😏😉😄
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    @vhoyer thank you very much for your input!
  • 0
    I'm sorry, what the meaning of 'y.o' there?
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