I once asked our graphics designer to send me a 1x1 transendent pixel as an image. She was just filling that role at the time, not being an actual graphics designer, and the request was rather unusual. It took us a couple of attempts to get what I wanted. I like to optimize memory for the apps, maybe a bit too much.

  • 7
    Why you gotta waste somebodys time like that, just make it yourself
  • 2
    How do you make a transcendent pixel and what is it?
  • 0
    I am not quite skilled at it, and that was kind of her job. That is how teams work you know, you help eachother out with things that you are more skilled at.
  • 0
    Its a see thru pixel, I hope I said it right. She made it in some image editor software I think.
  • 3
    @Kulijana so just press "new" in any editor, optionally check "alpha channel" and put 1x1 as its size? why did it take so long?
  • 4
    A transcendent pixel? Does it take the viewer to a higher plane of existence?
  • 1
    Ahh, thats the word.

    It was mostly due to me being very unfarmiliar with the issue at hand, and giving wrong explanations to what I wanted.
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