
A senior developer would ask me to drink in the bar where we talk about dev and non dev related stuff, almost every night after work

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    Like literally every night??
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    Yep around 3 times a week @carlosjpc
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    He might like you?
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    I drink with the head of our sales department 5 days a week.
    Gives you a special insight that many of the other devs/managers don't get.
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    That seems way too many times to drink with someone to call him a colleague. A friend, yes.

    It's generally admitted here that, for the most part, colleagues are not your friends, so that really seem strange to me, but I guess it really depend on your culture.
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    We're from the same university and college. He has a wife and even told me she has no idea of this nightly habit. Didn't want to confirm it tho @YousifMansour
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    Kudos to that; we invite other devs too every Friday @fattymiller
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    In Manila, it kind of already is a lifestyle, but not true for everyone @Fradow
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    @delose we have a few manilla people here as well. We encourage anyone to come out as much as possible.

    Honestly for me with these people; it has helped me understand how they approach talks, and i hope i have helped them in this area with regards to them getting pay rises..?
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