Visual studio is a fucking piece of trash IDE and it should be banned from programming because of how SHIT it is, how can it not let met fucking reference things properly, why can't I acess the FUCKING FOLDER I'VE JUST CREATED, how can it not recognize that I've just added a folder from outside??


Why can't it be smart like Android Studio :cries:


  • 3
    I just want to f*king drag my folders around and not having a problem with it, is that asking too much?
  • 2
    tbh since vs 2017 I started hating it, best versions I used are 2013 and 2015 the rest are ok, but 2017+ are shitty and face crash and freeze issues.

    I'm sure it isn't laptop hardware.

    To me I'm liking VS Code & IntelliJ IDEs for now, though I only use community edition for now lol
  • 3

    Visual studio is the best programing ide i ever had. You suck
  • 3
    @Gregozor2121 It just deleted all my resources when I simply tried moving folders. I've lost total of 50 images, just because I MOVED A FOLDER. Really, this is a f*king piece of shit IDE
  • 3
    @Gregozor2121 add to it the fuckload of files it leaves after installation eating around 5GB of precious free space
  • 3
    I used to love Visual studio and find it as the one and only, until I saw other IDEs and after their stupid plan of abandoning yearly releases (or two years) and go with staged rollouts .
  • 2
    "smart like Android Studio"
    *laughs in "your IDE has just encountered a fatal error"*
  • 0
    I've always prefered VS 2012. Tried the 2017 community edition, heavy AF. Also, can you share me your secrets on how to get Android Studio running well on Windows?
  • 0
    I've worked on VS nearly all versions. IntelliJ, VSCode, Eclipse and a crapton of text editors.

    VS is still my favorite for desktop applications.

    VS Code for most light or Web work.

    Text editors for light scripting.

    Never had issues like the ones you mention. I add a folder VS recognizes it and indexes it. Some times it takes a little while bc it up updates IntelliSense with the new code.
  • 0
    @ranggawiratno SSD and a lot of ram haha
  • -1
    @mvducatti lol, is 16GB enough? If it is, I just need the SSD part.
  • -1
    @ranggawiratno Yes, it is. If you are working with android apps, the native emulator will consume about 2gb of ram (500k if using Genymotion) and the Android Studio itself sometimes peaks 2gb. So the minimum would be 4 - 6 gb.

    16GB is beyond enough. You're good.
  • -1
    I use sublime in all of my projects but I had a project that requires me to use VS. It really sucks and very difficult to use.
  • 0
    Use different tools to do different things, this is a good habit.
    For example, I use Visual Studio Code editor to read and write files, and use terminal and other GUI tools to debug, compile, test, run, etc.
    If everything is put into the same tool, then that tool will definitely go wrong.
  • 0
    Compiling C++ in Linux is super easy ... Visual studio lol .... once you been through 10000000000000000 fucking setting then you can link a .h and lib file in the $%^$%{Normal Fucking don't know where it is folder } in 7 different places of linking only not to find the lib where i pointed it to and have some old setting from 10 years ago saying can't find the Linux remote version build setting somewhere in there 10 options menu hell

    Its in the blue screen nest of hell . Linking should be easy like in linux ... Setting where to find the files and libraries ... done ....

    and even if they get that right fuck knows if it will even run properly ....

    Too much work on intellisence and zero skill on intelligence of just getting the linking and menues right
  • 0
    It is made by microsoft. Why are you surprised?
  • 1
    I have an 11800h 3050ti and 32gb fucking Ram laptop put on Turbo Mode can playback 6k Raw Footage like Butter but fore the life of me Visual Studio just keep crashing, I though it was winversion being old so I start from scratch and reinstall the fucking piece of shit operating system setting me back from finishing my project. I installed visual studio code 2019 and that fucking garbage still lag like fuck. It sometimes close unintentionally and sometimes it will just keep crashing I even lost 1 hour of work from figeting the Fucking ugly rdlc designer then suddenly crash and close out of nowhere. Fucking billion dollar company with fucking lousy developers fucking bunch of retardssssss. Having a fist fight with each one of those lousy stupid developers will satisfy my frustration, I just want to nuke that microsoft building for this shitty overprice garbage. Microsoft should've not exist. Bill gates can die fucking prick
  • 0
    seriously f* this sh* im out.
  • 0
    fuck vs, the worst program i ever used. the same goes for vs code. non-user-friendly lagging mess
  • 0
    no lies were detected here
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