
Today it took me *five* commits and nearly 2 hours to tidy up a module before doing a tiny 5-minute change.
I could have just done my change but that thing was so messy, I first had to straighten things up.

It's not that I didn't expect that, the module was mainly done by my dearest co-worker who's code usually causes me anaphylactic shocks.
But I'm always amazed how hard it can be to follow a style guide, and ours is really small anyway.

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    @electric-ghost We're using external tools like AStyle, but they don't help if one doesn't use them.

    They shall be used, and most here do, but even the tools couldn't fully fix the pile of crap.

    Some constructs were so hideous, I didn't know such things are possible.

    And things like wrong naming can't be detected by any tool.

    So there was a lot manual work involved.
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    @electric-ghost That sound nice, thanks.

    I'd have to talk that over with our jenkins-guys, but for a first glance, it looks promising.
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