I am definitely doing this someday!!

  • 2
  • 5
    Shut up and take my money. Where can I order? :)
  • 1
    copy pasting breast
  • 4
    Did the clipboard get corrupted? Since that’s clearly not the same content as from ctrl-c

    Maybe something like this;

    #include “stdio.h”

    int main () {
    int child = fork();

    if ( child < 0 ) {
    return abort(child);
    } else if ( child == 0 ) {
    return love(child);
    } else {
    return 0;
  • 3

    I think the whole genetic splicing thing gets pretty difficult to express in computer code... with some traits and mechanisms only being copied from dad, others exclusively from mom, yet others being mixed or mutated... some types of cells even ending up as morphological zoned patterns all over the new human (Unnecessary factoid: Humans are kind of like invisibly-striped zebras).

    I hate computer jokes and memes. They never work out correctly :(
  • 0
    A better alternative:
    fork() != 0
    fork() == 0
  • 1
  • 1
    *having kids just so you can do the shirt thing*

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