
I'm porting an OpenGL project to work with WebAssembly, I'm using emscripten to compile/generate the 'glue' to JS. Sofar I'm able to render my gl code properly through the glfw3 framework. I know you can use emscripten callbacks for input, however I was hoping to keep my existing glfw3 callback setup, that said the only callback that seems to be working properly is mouse position, window resize, keyboard, etc never get called. If anyone knows how to enable these I'd be super greatful!

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    Woo finally fixed it... Turns out GLFW key mapping don't work, you need to define them yourself. I guess the next question is, what's the best way to change a def value if you can't modify the file it exists in directly, and you want the updated value to work everywhere else...? 🤔
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