So I've been MIA lately for personal reasons, but think I'm ready to get back into my coding and stuff :) Here's my arch setup that I've been working on recently.

  • 0
    It looks somewhat like W10, doesn't it?
  • 0
    @konicm8ker I need this wallpaper!
  • 2
    What did you use for taskbar ?
  • 0
    Never used any Arch based distro. Why should I? What does it have over Debian based distros?
  • 0
    Thats awesome. Do you have an Github Repo with your settings?
  • 0
    @sdushantha haven't setup a dotfiles repo, but basically I'm just using deepin DE over arch. Have had to tweak some things but nothing too major :) I may share the wallpaper when I get time, but basically I found it with a google images search.
  • 0
    I really like that setup 😁
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