
How do you know that a person is using Arch Linux?

- They will tell you

  • 6
    scrolling on your profile proves otherwhise ;)
  • 0
    Why? What makes it different from all the other flavors? I'm just curious.
  • 3
    I would never in my life use Arch on a production enviroment.
  • 1
    So you use it in a production environment that your customer och your business is dependent on it?
  • 2
    I like it because it is light, blazing fast, super customizable and surprisingly stable for being bleeding edge. Never seen anyone use it on a server though. Wonder why, seems like the minimal thing would be perfect for that?
  • 2
    this is so much true my friend was ranting about arch just Today
  • 7
    because it is not reliable, when used as a server.
    For a dev enviroment or lab it is more suitable
  • 8
    So Arch is the vegan in the Linux family?
  • 6
    @tekhouse They are the vegan crosfitters of computers.
  • 2
    yes, true, but it is beautiful. rolling release, great docs, great updates.
  • 4
    I have an Arch Linux sticker on my computer. Now I don't have to tell people I use it.

    But I do anyway...
  • 1
    Now that is awesome! LOL
  • 1
    This is a very good question
  • 4
    @Jase being able to run Arch seems to be an indication that you have a lot of pc and Linux skills. It is an inherent trait of people to want to show off their skills.
  • 1
    Actually, the people I have meet that is using Arch does not have any special skills
  • 0
    What's Arch based on? Ubuntu?
  • 3
    @enchance nothing. Arch is arch. There is stuff based on arch though
  • 5
    @Linux it the air of skill, for some reason installing it is still widely regarded as difficult and running it seems to make you instant l33t pr0 h8x0r 420BlazeIt
  • 4
    @epse wise words mate, wise words
  • 1
    Manjaro imho > arch. Manjaro is stable it also uses pacman and aur both are a rolling distro arch = bleeding edge. Manjaro = leading edge.
    My 2 cents
  • 0
    @Triskelion Manjaro-i3 was even more unstable than Ubuntu with i3 when I tried it, but plain Arch works perfectly fine. Manjaro, Antergos, and how they all are named are just some over-engineered installers, I would never use some of these systems, and nobody else should, they are buggy as hell. But each to their own...
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    @enchance You got full control 'cause you put together your own system from bare bones.
  • 0
    @epse Ubuntu's a distro based on Debian. Arch is a different flavor all together! Just like you've got Puppy Linux, Ubuntu, etc. based on Debian, you've got Manjaro and (a few) others based on Arch.
  • 1
    @theGeekyLad um yeah that's what I said...
  • 0
    You don't
  • 0
    I use arch btw
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