
That moment when someone tries to destroy your career but gitlab has your back 😘

  • 14
    I can totally guess your name. Plz Doodle harder.
  • 15
    Dude this looks like phishing 😀
  • 6
    I'd just go to the actual site itself and change my password.
  • 1
    @Floydian exactly,
  • 3
    @Floydian I have a bunch of projects on there that I don't have locally??
  • 4
    @BigBoo It was from gitlab 👍
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    @AlexDeLarge Yup. Checked if I could log in first (couldn't) before following the link in the email
  • 2
    Hmm, that seems suspicious, how can they automatically decide "that login was odd, let's reset the password"?
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    If multiple accounts get hit from the same network addresses, that's a flag. :)
  • 3
    @Brosyl true, but still, typically companies send you an email more like "we've detected a new [suspicious] login, if this wasn't you we reccommend you change your password immediately", and not "we've automatically reset your password"...
    You can't just reset people's password like that
  • 1
    @endor I'm really glad they did before the perpetrator did any damage. He/she obviously had my password, resetting seems like the best course of action
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    @Brosyl "SpainInTheAss" 😂
  • 1
    Well, I got my PayPal account hacked every day for almost a month.
    Probably some bug that got patch up latter.
    So, I don't trust any kind of online banking that can be hacked easely...
    My bank site even saves the fucking login and password, with no check box to "remember". Just saved by default.
    So I only use it in my phone, as it's a lot easyer to get a pc hacked and passwords leaked.
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