Was scared to take up freelance work because i was scared of bad clients.

Finally took one today, client is not a total arse and knows exactly what she wants me to do, down to details.


  • 14
    I don’t believe you, miracles like this don’t jut happen
  • 5
    @C0D4 oh but they do. And it won't last
  • 2
    @C0D4 I'm sure i won't be so lucky next time. Sigh.
  • 2
    Bosses are getting smarter..
    Some even have degrees this days and can talk to 'normal' people.

    Cant get worst then my father... First program I made for the local community, 2 hours to make a mock up , two or three days to code, two months to change stuff like sintax, colors, positions just because it looks better this way...
    Suddenly I lost all the code for the program (when it was finished ofcourse) and even luckyer my dad lost the diskettes with the code back up...
    Friends and family are the worst clients... Specially perfectionists like my pah
  • 2
    Micro management in 3...2...1...
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