  • 13
    Script not hot
  • 6
    "I set my computer on fire, why is it smoking?"

    Same thing here basically.
  • 2
    If you read documentation it will make sense.
  • 7
    This isn't an issue if you know how to program properly...
  • 0
    Just because you are not forced to, that doesn't mean you are not allowed to CONVERT YOUR FUCKING VARIABLES, IT'S LIKE 5 LETTERS YOU IDIOT. And if you want to be careful, you can convert when you get the Dom values.
  • 2
    @Maciek not sure if I follow you, so for you (and other Devs who see this, hi)

    1 + '1' is a simple string combination, it is the same as 'hello ' + 'world' being 'hello world'. So the reason why it is '11' is clear

    '11' - '1' is simply just 11 -1 because you can't subtract a sub string by simply subtracting it with the minus operator, so JavaScript converts the string '1' to integer 1

    So 11 - 1 is 10
  • 2
    Omg !it was just a joke 🤐
    Why so serious,you guys 😅
  • 2
    @ceee this is the internet isn't it?
  • 1
  • 1
    2 years old meme
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