  • 7
    That cover 😍
  • 8
    I hated this guys at middleschool who said that they can programm something with HTML...
  • 5
    Hmmm kind of true.

    I mean i am a very young guy too. I don't only do "html/css-sideprojects" with nodejs.

    I love php,
    and more languages(i am currently learning python). I do write code with them because i just looove it.Maybe i am an exception?!
    I don't know. Everyone starts somewhere. And because css, (html), js are mostly easy languages to learn for beginners, why don't learn them as a beginner? From making webpages to writing algorithms(ok i know it's a meme but hey) there is a long way to go. Maybe "those teens" will be incredibly good in writing algorithms in two years?

    My opinion: stop making fun about the VERY young devs(teens) but give them motivation. Say something nice

    Ps of course there are beginners who want everything to be easy af
  • 0
    I think I used that book on a college class some years ago, but still no 4th edition 😐
  • 0
    Most of these asshole developers can’t write a single line of JavaScript to save their life
  • 0
    The guys behind the book have a course on Coursera that's free and great.
    Really solid book. Pretty sure most of it is not needed for normal web developer work, but it can make things easy and knowing how algorithms work is never a bad idea.

    It's also in Java, but it's still great.
  • 0
    I've used different books about algorithms in the past but have never seen this one. Who are the authors?
  • 1
    Cormen, Leiserson and Rivest
  • 1
    True. That's why I became a hardcore Python developer.
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