

Coffee. I love it.

But with that, I mean *coffee*.

No I don't want a fucking cappucino or a latte or a whatever-the-fuck you call it that is coffee mixed with something not-coffeeish.

I love *coffee* and I want my coffee black and strong as fuck without any bullshit added to it.

  • 6
    Coffee == dev
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    What kind of *coffee* are we talking about here, in Australia that can mean all sorts of things when you want it black and strong 😏
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    @C0D4 Black coffee, that's all ;)
  • 10
    This is pretty much me trying to order coffee, every time.

    Hi, coffee please. Black. πŸ™‚

    You want milk in that? πŸ™‚


    Ah, no thanks. πŸ™‚
  • 10
    @BigBoo Exactly this hahaha.

    How it mostly goes for me:
    "one coffee please!"
    "What kinda coffee?"
    "just coffee"
    "yeah but a latte or cappucino or?"
    "no, just a *COFFEE*"
    "any milk or sugar?"
    "NO, I just want a *COFFEE*"
    "I can add caramel syrup to it?"

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    I can't drink just coffee! I need at least some milk. But lot of people drink just coffee at my workplace.
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    So, I dont think you've said, what kinda coffee do you like @linuxxx πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‰
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    Do 't mind me, just sitting here and drinking my tea.
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    Who runs the world? Coffee!
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    I love black coffee, "arΓ‘biga" variety
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    Good thing of living in Italy is there is only one, exquisite, type of coffee. Bad thing of living in Italy is there is only one type of coffee.

    Btw we called cappuccino that way to allow everyone to distinguish it from coffee when talking. I've never witnessed someone reply with "cappuccino?" at a coffe request, at the most asking if you want either grappa (alcohol) or a splash of milk in it.
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    I like my coffee black. Sometimes with cream. But only if I can still taste coffee over it.
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    mm double shot long black.
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    @CoffeeNcode Black :)
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    @linuxxx isn't it bitter without milk?
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    @ausername Of course! That's the entire point hahaha
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    @linuxxx I like my coffee sweet and with milk, I guess that's why it doesn't work on me haha
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    @ausername I like my coffee like coffee is ;)
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    dude... this is GOLD *_*
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    I love coffee and I love espresso drinks, but if I try out a coffee shop and they don't think I mean coffee when I say coffee I'm probably not going back to that shop. Similarly, if they think by default lattes should have a sugary flavor shot I'm gonna guess they make shitty espresso drinks.

    Personally I only like cream in coffee and caramel/vanilla/whatever in espresso if the original drink is so low quality that you need something to mask it's flavor.

    That being said, the elitist culture around how you take your coffee is kinda ridiculous. If what you want is a sweet creamy beverage, who's to blame you? There's nothing wrong with that.
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    @AngryMTUDev Where is this elitist culture you speak of?

    Could you give an example?
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    @BigBoo I meet a lot of people who insist that the only way to drink coffee is black and there's something wrong with you if you take it otherwise
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    @AngryMTUDev you said it!
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    Did you know that the blacker you drink your coffee, the more likely you are to have psychotic tendencies? πŸ˜‚
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    @DarkPixel let's be honest though, psychotic tendencies are probably a plus while programming. I'm not too concerned 😝
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    @AngryMTUDev Are you sure they aren't just kidding with you?

    I've never heard of anyone who says something like that in a serious manner.

    But on a more serious note, black coffee is the only way and all the others can bask in it's superiority.
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    I actually like cocoa-blend coffee. Don't kill me pls :(
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    @linuxxx There are huge differences in coffee without milk or sugar as well.
    You know, filter coffee, french press, aero press and so on πŸ€”
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    @aaxa oh, dark roast espresso beans coffee 😊
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    I do enjoy my cold foam nitro cold brews and con pannas, though.
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    Sounds like you have a bug in your CoffeeScript
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    @linuxxx Hehe, that's what I thought.
    I'm a huge fan of Aero press though 😍
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    Yeah. No milk, no sugar, no water,... Just coffee.
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    Try to explain that to any American.
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    Anyone tried Kopi Luwak?
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    I like my coffee like i like my metal, #000 \,,/
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    Coffee, black.

    With orange crush so I don't have to taste that terrible bitter awfulness!
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    @Root haha, it's actually the bitterness and the aroma from the coffee I enjoy the most. If someone puts sugar in my coffee or anything that makes it sweeter, I'll throw it out right away
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    @oudalally I haven't and won't myself, both for the reasons you mention and, well... Ewwww πŸ˜‰

    Was just curious if anyone actually drank the stuff 😁
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    @aaxa if my coffee tastes like coffee, I either fix it or it goes in the sink.
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    @Root I guess you don't like coffee then Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
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    @RustyCookie not muse, please not muse
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    Hahaha yes! Used to work at a cafe and by fuck were there some wanky ways of making coffee. I blame hispters!

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