This seems like a totally legit offer

  • 1
    Gimme link!!!

    One euro????

  • 19
    You only wanted the box right?
  • 2
    It's just the box or €1 + €850 for the shipping
  • 1
    It's a raffle ticket for the gpu.
  • 1
    That site has quite some "interesting" stuff on sale but its reviews claim that's it's mostly all fake stuff. But they spend a lot on advertising. I even saw one being endorsed by a footballer after the FIFA started (whether the football player is fake, I do not know since I don't follow the game).
  • 1
    Also it's somehow 1€², not 1€.
  • 0
    *ships box*
  • 1
    @Condor omg! The old switcharoo! 😂
  • 0
    @Condor I once bought all SD-cards for under 5€ I could find, until I reached about 100eu.. 2 were OK for 100 percent
  • 0
    @Condor Not so lucky.. they were 8gb xD
    The rest either wasn't the right size, not really XDHC, and one was a fucking plastic case only.. Only recovered about 20eu too :/
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