Any boring class:
F12 - change <title> to "google.com"
write "google.com" in the omnibar, than click away
call the teacher and say ur internet isnt working

Works every time.

  • 1
    Spoiler: you will still have chrome://network-error/-106 on the address bar.
  • 1
    @Dave-Elec the searchbar is called omnibar in OPs post, isn't it?
  • 1
    @JoshuaBehrens @Dave-Elec
    It is called an omnibar, and uses an "omnibar" namespace when you want to get keywords from the extension api.
    "omnibar" refers to the fact that you can use special keywords, search, enter a url directly and that it is accessible from anywhere (except in fullscreen mode)
  • 1
    @Dave-Elec Chrome calls it the immense, and typing in it then clicking away makes the original url inaccessible much more than I would like when I start to leave a page then change my mind.
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