
don't be shy my little friend.
you don't have to hide!

- spotted in Auckland public transport

  • 6
    I'm going to sound dumb but what am I supposed to be seeing on the screen?

    Edit: Oh geez it's tux. I'm a doofus.
  • 2
    Seems to be a (00,00) alignment

    or a tracking dot 😂
  • 1
    @starrynights89 got it.

    normally ... the screen shows the amount of available seats in the top-level of the bus.

    but yeah, mostly this is just a theory here. so in 80% of the buses with a top-level you can greet the right foot of tux :p

    also thought about why the alignment is ... 'wrong'.
    my assumption is that the virtual screen is 4x this one and you only see one quarter of it on this display.
    because there are 3 more screens on the buses showing other stuff.

    but meh... never found the rest of tux though :-(
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