
Workplace requires formal dress code. In Italy, in July, with up to 30C (90F) outside. And August is going to be worse.
I have to take a train + walk 10 minutes to get there. And I sweat, like, a lot. I frigging DRIP. It gets embarrassing, and I think I was close to passing out a couple of times in the last few days.
I really don't know how to mitigate the damage. Suggestions?

  • 1
    Just curious: Is there high humidity there?
  • 1
    @Stuxnet how high is "high"? 😅 According to Google's forecasts it's ranging between 40 and 60 %
    I lived here most of my life, I have very little data to compare that against
  • 6
    Does your office provide a shower? If yes, just wear shorts and a shirt for the way to work, change & shower there. If not, maybe there is a fitness studio nearby where you can do that.
    Otherwise ask if it's okay to only wear a polo or something..
  • 1
    @ricvail High for me is 85%+ everyday, all day lol
  • 1
    30C is average summer weather for me. 40C+ is what I'd consider hot.
  • 2
    @Wackoo You're from the land where everything wants to kill ya, no wonder lol

    It's consistently 30-35° here, but that doesnt mean I'm used to it lmao.

    In fact, my first week on campus it was 35° almost everyday. I'd have to change clothes at lunch time everyday to avoid stinking in class because you can always smell some BO in class.
  • 0
    Oh hell, I couldn't leave home if it's hotter than 25°C. I'd be dead.
  • 0
    25C is winter weather
  • 0
    i work in Milan and i bike almost everyday to work 😅 ~14km/day in total. the problem/the fix: i bring a change of clothes with me + it helps that the work env is not too strict in this matter 😁
  • 0
    @Wackoo You forgot the minus before your number.
  • 4
    Yea... Formal dress code for programmers? Wtf for? It's not like we're dealing with clients. We have that where I work too. We bend the rules as much we can use every loophole we can without getting into trouble. We often joke that they should just hide all the devs on the top floor so we can just get on with it and not do all this corporate bs
  • 0
    Visited Milan last summer, was somewhat 25ish, yet seen rather a lot of men in tull suits. Looked majestic, but still.. 😅
  • 0
    Tips for formal clothing when it’s hot: cropped smart pants/smart pants in general. They have a more loose fit and are still regarded formal. Also polo shirts usually are also formal as they button up and have a collar. If you have the cash linen is a great fabric that’s very light and warm weather friendly
  • 1
    @oudalally I saw a dude in a puffer jacket yesterday. 29°C - 70-80% humidity and a puffer jacket. I got the sweats looking at the guy.
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