
why are Linux graphical git clients so crap? (as compared to TortoiseHg)

like GitKraken is the only OK one, but it lacks soo many features its nearly useless (bisect anyone?) + you need a commercial license

GitEye is the second non-shit one, but it regurarly stops working + its non-free

and it seems most git GUI clients force the name of the repo to be their parent dir. my parent dir for all web projects is www, so in both apps I have a long list of projects named www, unless I expand the projects sidebar to cover half of the screen to see the very very end of the path that petrays the actual project name in GitEye. In GitKraken I have to investigate the commit history to figure out if I have the right GitKraken with the right project open... talk about UX :D

so do most "git experts" just use git commit, git push and git pull on the command line and thats their whole world and the reason why they prefer git to mercurial (for all the many features they never use)?

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    I use git command line. Yeah it's true 99% of time it's add, commit, push, pull, branch.. all the basic commands but and for the rare occasions there is a way of doing it in terminal and mostly it's not hard it confusing.
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    Had bad experience with GUI client doing implicit things and breaking branch overall. From that time on, [status,add,commit,pull,checkout,stash] are sufficient for my versioning needs. `git difftool -d` is also nice to compare diffs with diff tool (in my case, I use meld)
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    @rijad93 how do you visualize branch trees on command line?
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    @AIFPM we don't go so complex that I really need it. We use bitbucke so there is a preview of the tree. But usually there is a master branch, pre-production and task specific branches
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    @rijad93 so you dont have cases where you need to merge like 4 branches in some specific/random order and cherrypick (graft) stuff from branches 5..10 ?

    it kinda seems like git isnt really built for branchy development, where your every breath gets a separate branch :D
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    @AIFPM sounds like fun 😂

    Hopefully someone with more experience will join in the comments and help you out
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    VS.Code with some git plugins is one of the best free Git GUIs out there.

    For freemium stuff with good viz there's GitKraken.
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    @rijad93 I've *never* needed a cheat sheet for mercurial

    the cheat in mercurial is to write the command name of what you want to do, not some random word Linus came up with in a drunken madness :D

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    @Artemix @AIFPM git log --graph (+ some configuration flags if needed) are enough for me
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    @Artemix exactly my point for using a GUI

    I love the terminal, I have like a million scripts and aliases

    my terminal launcher shortcut keys are worn to the bone :)

    but.. there is a time and a place for every tool and technology. I think version control is a visual process, thus needing a visual tool
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