Why oh why oh why is the world so hell bent on using Excel :(

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    It's when it's abused for data storage that really winds me up. It "formats" the data silently so breaks all the downstream code. Data scientists, who should know better, constantly do this.

    I suggest Ron's Editor if you are using Excel to manage CSV data sets. If you pass my CSV files through Excel and send them back to me I will look for you, I will find you and I will kill you.
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    Because its easy to begin with.

    Even if you are not doing calculations but just need to write down some tabular data excel us easy to use.

    If you then need to format it a bit for a nice printout, thats also easy.

    If you need some easy calculation like summing up a column, no problem.

    But then, when you like to go beyond that, excel still provides.

    If you do not already have programming or database knowledge you really have to try to scale up before excel starts to fail you.

    That is a big part of why every one uses excel.

    And why excel and not some other...


    Lotus 1-2-3 killed all previous competition but then put their money on the wrong horse and failed to see the lure of a graphical interface instead of text based.
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    Excel is one of the most incredible applications on earth. I would easily place it in the top 5.
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