
be like the chad bois

  • 13
    What's wrong with the limbs of the character on the right? Appears to have been in a major accident.
  • 10
    Maybe he's dancing like my Dad.
  • 9
    That Chad boi looking fucking horrible
  • 5
    has to tell everyone he uses vim and (arch) linux and says it's masterrace when it's clearly not 🤷🏻‍♂️
  • 10
    - IRC user
    - fuck w3m, elinks ftw
    - if needed create HTML
    (<!DOCTY- fucking kill me already)
    - GUI is for plebs
    - IDE is a vim plugin

    Yea.. call me Chad 😎

    Edit: also damn those legs look terrible :/
  • 4
    - needs 16GB of RAM
    - uses self-built Intel+NVIDIA rig(with MSI mobo), carries 5kg MSI gaming notebook with almost the same specs as the main rig
    - writes Java 95% of the time
    - uses Firefox
    - uses Discord AND IRC
    - uses JetBrains IDEs
    - hates Apple
    - admires Dan Vávra and Daniel "dan200" Ratcliffe

    What am I :D
  • 0
    Codes while working out at the gym
  • 1

    - Uses i3wm, elinks.

    - Uses elementary, arch, and xubuntu interchangeably.

    - Has ansible playbooks to automate my environment setups whenever I feel like swapping distros or get a new machine.

    - Almost exclusively use my dinky little Acer laptop.

    - Uses vscode with VIM mode for larger projects.

    - Uses vim for simple edits.

    - Uses Operator Mono.

    - Uses Firefox for general browsing.

    - Refuses to use mouse, will use ctrl + f to focus on elements and enter for navigation without a mouse.

    What am I?
  • 0
  • 3
    Programming in C?

    Disgusting casuals. Either build it in assembly or not at all.
  • 2
    I’d prefer to be a productive dev
  • 0
    @D3add3d legit
  • 1
    the Lenovo weighs 3.8 kg plz
  • 0
    @kwilliams That's cute. We real men write the machine code directly into the cpu
  • 0
  • 0
    holy meow I'm a chad ???
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