Before we started a new project, as a team, we set some ground rules like: frequent, small, digestible PRs.

PR#1: 52 files (week 1)
PR#2: 107 files (week 2)


  • 2
    I feel your pain bro..

    But sometimes even the best can't stop shaving the yak until half the project has been touched.

    What we do is review commit by commit and require that each and every commit passes tests.

    This: https://github.com/spotify/...
  • 0
    @karelian cheers for the link 😊

    I know sometimes it seems necessary but I can't shake a feeling that if "init commit" needs a 150 files or "nothing compiles" there's probably an orthogonality issues, and/or unclear boundaries context between modules (ui, presentation, business logic, models, repositories, networking, cache, db...)
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