
Russian-roulette in Bash

  • 8
    Aaaaand since --no-preserve-root is a thing, and that isn't even ran as root, nothing terrible happens.
  • 0
    I was actually typing it while I saw the rm command. Woosh
  • 0
    That's a genius ad!
  • 0
    @k1sul1 I was asking myself how to remove '/' dir 5 times in a row, sudo owns!
  • 2
    @Letmecode actually this was originally invented by a Russian UNIX admin Vladimir Barmin (or based on his posts).
  • 0
    @k1sul1 yeahhh... Not on mac... Almost deleted everything by relying on it. Fortunately I wasn't running it with sudo, so it just spitted out a bunch of permission errors.
  • 1
    genius ad!
  • 0
    Look at
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