

Passed my driving test and am finally on my P plates, woo I'm a free man :-D

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    @2lazy2debug haha I'm 20 and only got it because my job needs it
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    Got my driving licence at 36. Yeah, better later than never
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    P plates?
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    @Root its an Australian thing, not sure if other places do it. You get your learners licence (L plates) then after so many driving hours you go for you probationary licence (red P plates) then after 12 months get your green P plates and then full licence after 3 years, it's a shit system
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    @oudalally I'm not in the UK, I've got friends there though and from what they've told me, there's no test for the learner's, which I think is dumb.

    Here in South Africa we write a theory test on road rules and car controls to get a learner's. Our system also mostly sucks aside from that though
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    @oudalally That's very interesting. Thanks for the info. We just have a multiple choice thoery test to get a learner's, then a yard test (parking and )road test to get a driver's license . The test is bit lacking as it's usually just really slow urban driving. No highway and no often no traffic circles in the test routes
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    @oudalally I can believe that. Our driving lessons teach us to pass the test, not how to drive. There's this really stupid thing called k53. My brother's ex only did the lessons and then got her driver's. The woman was useless on the roads. Come to think of it, my brother is apparently writing his learners today. I hope he passes. I'm looking forward to teaching him to drive
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    Update: He passed
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    @Jilano Something like that
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