Thank god there are (web) proxies.
The Turkish government is blocking access to many porn sites (which I find kind of ok - to make a barrier for the kids), but then again also German Streaming websites.
They are not blocking most German websites tho. Just the websites in the "illegal to non ethical" category (which I also find kind of OK), but it annoys me.

  • 0
    @makmm no blocks are awesome.
    I barely have access blocks in Germany.
  • 0
    @makmm first I was asking myself the same question. Then I tried to interpret it lol
  • 1
    @makmm what you said still gets the point across. If you had put a comma after the no, maybe not, but as it stands, no blocks are fine still reads weird, but seems that you are saying 0% of blocks are fine.
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