I fucking love people like this.

Yesterday I met a 'friend' who I hadn't seen in a very long time. Just a guy I used to know tbh but let's call him Friend anyway. After a while in the conversation this happened...

*Friend doesn't know I have a degree in CS*


Me: "THAT'S AWESOME! You've been programming for long?"

Friend: "A little over a year now. I know almost all languages now. C++, C#, Python, Java and HTML. Still a couple left to go. Once you're on the level I achieved programming becomes really, really easy. How long have you been programming?"

Me: "Almost a decade now"

Friend: "Damn dude you must know all languages by now I suppose?"

Me: "I've been mainly doing C++ so not really haha"

Friend: "I can always help when you're struggling with one language. C++ is pretty easy tbh. You should learn others too btw. HTML for example is pretty important because you can program websites with it"

Me: "Yeah... Thanks... So... What project are you working on right now?"

Friend: "I'm making a register page for my very own forum. The only problem I have is that PHP won't save the login details"

Me: "Hahaha I know the feeling. MySQL?"

Friend: "What?"

Me: "What do you use to save your data"

Friend: "Just a txt file. It's easier that way."

Me: "Hahaha true. Who needs safety right? *smiles*"

Friend: "Actually it's 100% safe because only I can see the txt file so other people can not hack other users."

Me: "Yes! That's great! Cya!"

Friend: "I'm working on a mmorpg too btw! I can learn you to make games if you want. Just call me. Here's my number"

Me: "Alright... Thanks... Bye!"

*Arrives at home*

*Deletes number*

I do not make this up.

I can understand that someone who isn't in the CS industry doesn't take it too seriously and gets hyped when their "Hello World" program works.
I'm fine with that.

The thing that really triggers me is big headed ass holes like this. Like how much more like a absolute dickhead could you possibly more act? Fucking hate people like that.

  • 41
    You should change « friend » to « retarded asshole »
  • 48
    Hahaha, when a dumb tries to be smart.
    Why delete number just call some day ask for help in creating AI or new language
  • 29
    Came here expecting a nice read. I just got angry. I demand my wasted seconds back.
  • 13
    @julianmd *Hands you over 15 whole seconds*
  • 7
    @oudalally @8BitOverdose Thanks, 8bit! See, that's how it's done!
  • 5
    @const Pretty sure he already wrote 10 different AI's in 20 languages last week
  • 2
    @oudalally That's actually quite impressive
  • 3
    Pal I've seen ppl like this. In fact 2 years ago I WAS this
  • 7
    I'd call bullshit right in his face.

    If that makes me an asshole... so be it.
  • 12
    that's the recipe you're looking for
  • 2
    I think you should help him get good. It is hard but the sadisfaction will be big. Unless he denies everything... even provided with example where his idea would fail horribly... then he isnt worth your attention.

    You should give him the example why his idea is bad.
  • 7
    I honestly absolutely cannot believe how people can think so highly of themselves with no sense of reality check whatsoever. I've been programming for maybe roughly two years now, the past year primarily Python, but I'd never dare to say I know more than the basics because I have no idea how much I actually don't know yet. :/
  • 5
    @8BitOverdose your story is a textbook example of the Dunning-Kruger effect at its finest!
  • 2
    @wizzzard Before googling it I had no idea what it was, and tbh after googling I'm still a bit confused. Sounds really complicated. So kuddos for you for knowing what it is, and more kuddos for being able to recognize it in a real life example
  • 6
    I won't claim to know about it in detail, but I think it can basically be summed up as "incompetent people overestimate their own abilities, while competent people underestimate theirs".
  • 4
    What the actual fuck! The line "I'll store credentials in txt file" got me triggered 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 I want to kill him rn
  • 1
    @GarreauArthur he’s not doing bad things, he’s just a novice who things he knows stuff. He’s not an asshole
  • 3
    @8BitOverdose the Dunning-Kruger effect is just the tendency of humans to overestimate their abilities in a given field they know next to nothing about
  • 2
    You should fuck his stupid txt file up
  • 2
    What a waste of carbon.
  • 0
    You could have gave him a call to help you understanding OOP concepts in HTML
  • 0
    @8bitOverdose i was reffering to the para where he said HTML is language that can program website.
  • 0
    Nice rant. Me gusta!
  • 3
    "I am almost through all the languages in a year"

    Sorry, what?
  • 2
    "I'm almost through printing hello world in all the languages in a year" @beggarboy
  • 1
    @Root Well you can always cut the oxygen usage.
  • 1
    I was a CS tutor for a few years. Every fall there was a freshman who would make similar noises. 😂
  • 2
    @wizzzard it can also be simplified into "if you're stupid enough, you become too stupid to be able to realize that you're stupid"

    kind of related to principle "everything is complicated. if you think something is easy, it's most likely just because you don't know enough about it".

    inversely then, if you're smart enough/know enough, you see much more of the pieces involved what complications they can cause, etc etc, so the thing seems overwhelming and too much to handle by just poor mundane you.
  • 1
    @xewl i'd go deeper into the conversation, pretending i'm taking him seriously and as a much better programmer than i am, and that i'm asking him for advice and teachings, and gradually throwing more and more serious and complicated REAL stuff at him, until he himself would realize how full of shit he is (if he's at least a bit reasonable), or would get so obviously so far out of his depth in ability to pretend, that i could call him out humiliatingly hard.

    it would have the potential to help him a bit, or, in the worst case, it would at least amuse me.
  • 1
    @theKarlisK dude, you are taking the clown wayyyy too seriously. any info given to him would just be wasted words. he's not even in a position where trying to teach him the absolute basics would be possible, let alone security. it would be like trying to build a second floor of a house on top of sinkhole, before even trying to build the ground floor on top of that sinkhole. futility squared
  • 0
    Somehow this reminded me of Bill Paxton in "True Lies" 😂😂
  • 0
    @Bitwise I'll hopefully be a *pro* programmer in one or two weeks depending on the interview ;)
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