
Would a CS degree be a better option than a Web specific degree even if web is a passion?

Web modules, I feel can be self taught.

  • 5
    If they are both 4 year degrees and cost roughly the same amount, then definitely do the CS degree. Otherwise, the CS degree is going to be more marketable (even to web shops) but you have to weigh that against the opportunity cost of the extra time/money spent. I would personally still go for the CS degree unless there was a huge difference in time/money between the two options and I knew for a fact that there were employers hiring for the web-only degree.
  • 3
    @HollowKitty This. The fundamentals are the same, but core CS will teach you a lot more about other aspects (e.g. memory management) that web programming largely takes care of for you.

    Besides, anyone who’s ever written C code can learn PHP in a week—after picking up the fundamentals it’s just a matter of looking through the docs to learn more about what functions already exist natively.
  • 2
    Yeah what they said. CS is more general than web. A degree specializing in web only seems like a waste of a lot of other knowledge.
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