
I started color-coding my bash scripts to more easily see when things start and end.
At first it was just some headers here and there, but now my terminal looks like it's shitting rainbows all over the place.

It's so pretty :3

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    @zvyn It's been 13 minutes, they are no pics. It didn't happen.
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    @zvyn lemme find a specially cute one and I'll add it here

    @S-Homles-MD Well, I use the default Solarized Dark on VS Code. It's colourful and all, but not as much as the shell
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    📌 for the picture
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    @FahadAlt @Cyanide @S-Homles-MD @zvyn from our last build
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    @Cyanide technically it's still working hours for me hehe
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    It's nice up to a point. If you're working with a VT then it's allright: colors are pretty, it's easier to notice things. But if you pipe output to a non-VT environment, like less or a file, then... Oh boy.... Then you're fucked as esc sequences mean nothing there and not only there are no colors - it's impossible to read that pile of crap.
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