
God damn it udemy, you have courses on the fundamentals of ass wiping but I can't find a good quality c++ from scratch course

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Kill me

  • 4
    Just google/YouTube it and you'll find good free resources
  • 6
    Beginning C++ Programming From Beginner to Beyond by Tim Buchalka's Programming Academy is what you want. The instructor is Frank J Mitropoulos.

    The dude takes it to beginner to intermediate without insulting your intelligence or taking your knowledge for granted. Highly recommended.
  • 4
    I also loved udemy and everything until the day i found out about sentdex video. He clearly explained why Udemy is a shitty platform. Better YouTube or Coursera!
  • 2
    @Deadmau5 Oh i don't doubt it's shit but if you get the right instructor, i just find a more structured and educational level instruction is better than most of youtube's tutorial style.
  • 1
    @AleCx04 Awesome, thanks for that!

    Seem's like a great instructor
  • 0
    @Deadmau5 if you read his comment replies on that thread he states that it is not applicable to ALL udemy instructors. Some of them offer some amazing content.
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    @lxmcf I think you would enjoy it :D I really like him as an instructor. I also have Lynda tutorial although I have not seen their C++ instructors(I got it for free at work and have not invested much time on those) but if I find someone good in there I will let you know
  • 1
    You can't find good quality c++. EOL

  • 1
    read "The C++ primer"
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    C++ by Bjarne Stroustrup
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    Coursera has a really good course given by the EPFL(Polytechnic institute of Lausanne). A good intro into C++!
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    The new Boston
  • 0
    Highly recommend Accelerated C++, several free pdf versions sprinkled around the web
  • 0
    got telegram? add me @linuxer4fun and i'll give you some hints
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