
*Trying to finish up this project I'm doing*

Me: "Fuck this shit I'm done shit doesn't work"

*non-dev girlfriend sits in front of computer*

GF: "I believe this line shouldn't be here it messes up what happens in the loop. Or atleast that's what it looks"

*checking it*

Me: "So what's your ring size again"

  • 29
    You stumbled upon the rare ones that get code without having the experience. Here, let me recommend a few options:
    1. Marry her
    2. Carry her babies (yes. that.)
    3. Spit in eternity's face when you die
  • 9
    well. she's the one
  • 8
    That never happens-.-
  • 11
    @seeba it will happen for you. Just because you can code doesn't mean you should either date someone brain dead or date a bottle of lotion bro lol.
  • 12
  • 19
    kill her, eat her brains and absorb her powers...or marry her idk.
  • 9
    I am married to one just like her for the past 13 years huhu!
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