
Somehow I keep thinging that dyson is judging my cooking skills when I see this, all I smell is spices and herbs but nooooooo

Mr air quality do not approve

  • 3
    44÷ humidity dude, Die-son just doesn't want you to dy, son.
  • 0
    Air quality sensor? Expensive dyson fan? Just why? WHY?!

    You just could buy 5 standard good old desktop fans or even 2 metal superfans
  • 6
    @Gregozor2121 it can be controlled remotely and also fiters the air of pollen, since I have the hay fever thats WHY...
  • 1
    @xewl the humidity makes sense, I just got home, took a shower and turned it on together with the airco, which is in the other room ... Will drop to 20 within the hour tho 🙈 but yes very humid
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