
If you are sick...


It has nothing to do with how YOU are feeling. It’s about RESPECT for those around you.

Especially if you work in an open office. Coming into an open office when sick is like coughing right on someone’s face repeatedly, it shows that same level of (lack of) respect.

Almost every company I have seen fucks this up so bad. It’s the same shit every year....

People are afraid to take days and stay home. They go in and make everyone sick, then everyone is taking days off and we are “short” on people. Then the incompetent CEO is scratching his head as to why this toxic work environment could produce such a toxic result.

And one more fucking thing.

If you got a cold/flu on Monday and your in the office on Wednesday because you are “feeling a bit better” then your a fucking idiot. At day 3 you are just starting to expel germs while still being highly contagious.

If you come into an open office while sick then I would say...

“Smarten the fuck up! And start showing some respect for the people you work with!”

If you have created (or are creating) a culture that encourages this then I would say...

“Fuck you! You should be fucking smarter than that.”


If your still sitting there thinking something like...

“Well I have to attend the meeting” or some other shit. Then let me add this to the pile.

Not everyone has had a rosy fucking life.

You may be working next to someone who has a lowered immune system due to past medical problems. What may be a week of sickness for you could end up being a month in the hospital for them.

You may be working next to a person who has a family member dying of cancer. If you make them sick then they can’t visit that family member (colds can kill cancer patients) and you may be stopping that person from seeing their loved ones one last time before they die.

Don’t be a fucking asshole.


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    @zlice i get that.

    But I want to be clear that any time the reason for something is “it’s always been that way” is brought up in an organization it is ALWAYS a sign of deep cultural issues.

    You either choose to do things deliberately or fail.

    That is how most companies work. Most companies fail too. Most companies fail because they build toxic cultures that leak into other processes.
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    In a lot of cases people cant just take few days off. That can cause MASSIVE salary cuts or other very dicky behaviour from the boss.

    Everything depends if you have trustworthy people and boss. If one of the two is evil, everything will fail miserably! Just things tgat everybody need to cope with.

    Remember that sick people in work should try to avoid other coworkers, that is at least what they can do...
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    @Gregozor2121 Yes. If your boss is shit then you will have a toxic culture that promotes this horrible “work over everyone’s health” mindset.

    Hence my much harsher words for the CEOs and founders. Everything in a startup has to come from the top down.

    You make a great point that if the boss is shit then work will be shit. In this case there is nothing an employee can do except look for a job without a shit boss.


    Yes, I am suggesting that if people feel sick then they work from home.

    If the company cannot trust their employees and their employees abuse this and just stay home then fire them. The goal is to build a company that promotes healthy working professional lives. The problem is that a lot of companies pander to the slackers, making everyone suffer because the company hired shitty people.

    Many companies take this a step further with unlimited vacation, but that is a much harder one to manage unless your hiring is totally on point.

    Also, it (at least in Canada) is illegal to discriminate against people with health issues. So I would never suggest that.
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    OMFG I can't agree more. Some dude in the office came down with pneumonia and insisted in coming into work. Result was it spread, and a lot more people ended up missing work as a result. I wanted to go upside his head
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    @segfault0xff Been there as well.

    I have a mask (in photo) and had the exact same situation.

    I wore the mask. Sick coworker comes in the room I’m in (I’m deliberately staying away from sick people) and says, I shit you not...

    Dumbass: “Why are you wearing that mask? Your not sick.”

    (In a very sharp tone)
    Me: No! I’m not! And I don’t fucking plan on being either! Despite the efforts against it! Now if you will excuse me...

    I then closed my laptop and walked out of the room around the dumbass.

    Guys still came to work every day though. Everyone got sick, me included.
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    At least where I work if you are sick, you still have to go to the office so the project managers see you sick and believe it's true. And now you are in the office stay for the day. God I hate my job!
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