
Oh yeah. Hey guys. 2 things.
First off. Forgot to say. Officially got a job. Finally. So thank you for all the help/advice and patience with my depressive rants!!

I'm in a new chapter of my life now so thanks.

And secondly.


  • 32
    First of: Congratulations.
    Second: You fucked up.
  • 25
    So now your rants change from depressive to aggressive? Welcome to the best community for your problem!
  • 5
    😂 😂 feedback loop from hell... Depressed because of no job.. Gets job depressed because of job.. Now depressed because you are depressed about the depressing job 😂 😂
  • 3
    On the up side most people I know hated their first tech job but once you get a little experience the job search process becomes exponentially easier so you'll be able to be a lot more selective with your next gig. You'll also have a better idea of what you like/don't about your current job and can use that to ask better questions during the interview process.
  • 1
    @Biggy Second: Congratulations, you played yourself
  • 0
    And now you're working, you won't have time to go for interviews or even look for a new job.
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