
The struggle of being a gay CS major is that all of my classes are 95% guys but all of them are painfully straight. Send help

  • 1
    I feel your pain ✊
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    Interested in musical theater? Don't laugh - lotta overlap between tech people and musical ones. As someone who does both, I can tell you that if you're at all interested in MT, it'd be a good place to expand your dating horizons.
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    @Paramite what if there are only 20 people in the class?
  • 1
    Well statistically 10% of the people are gay, so go find them I suppose
  • 1
    Does that 10% hold in the tech community, though? A little over half of all people are women, but tech is predominantly male even still...
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    Considering all of my class of this semester have less than 15 people in them the odds are not in my favor.
  • 2
    @fmlfmlfml I do and that's a very good point! 🙌🏻
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