
Fcuk dotnet and nuget and dotnet restore and nuget package restore and dotnet core and dot net framework and dotnet standard and everything with their unnecessary complexities.
Fcuk them all. Fcuk MS.

  • 2
  • 5
    *says fuck MS*

    *provides no actual meaning as to why in the rant*
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    *says fcuk instead of fuck*

    *guy's in kinder garten*
  • 1
    @Cyanide isn’t Duck you easier
  • 5
    Fcuk girls, and their beautiful faces, and their great smell, and their smiles, and Wendy Fingersnicht who turned me down because of my long coder fingers.
    Fcuk girls. Fcuk them all.
  • 9
    Well fuck you, just because you can’t use it doesn’t mean it’s bad
  • 4
    Complexities? Where?

    Have you ever actually used it?
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    @devTea if you have a different opinion don't express it with "fuck you", ok?
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    @Krokoklemme yeap, I've used it. It drove me nuts on few details.
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    @klekih well if you think it’s too rude then I’ll delete it
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    @devTea no need. Thanks :)
  • 6
    @klekih where’s the problem anyway? I’ve installed some nugget package as well as using dotnet and it works fine
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    @devTea a mix of net46 projects and core 2.0 and net standard. The tfs build can restore with both nuget restore and with dotnet restore. One project needs package.config, other not. Then I need to publish a web api to Azure. Another pain in the ass with configuration. Then ssl. Then docker. Too much 🤪🤪
  • 2
    I’ve used .NET extensively in the past and I have to agree. It is powerful, but it is very complex, and arguably unnecessarily so. Just look at how many levels of inheritance there are in WPF. Could they not have used composition more and favoured fewer but more composable classes?

    And Microsoft does have a tendency to do this in other areas as well. How many versions of Windows 10 are there now? It has its own Wikipedia page, that’s how many.
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    @devios1 I like that once you get used to one of their technology (I've used win forms, wpf, wcf,.net) it proves to be stable and you can actually do your job. But until that point it feels like Sisyphus.
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