*accidentally clicks Visual Studio Code icon*


  • 26
    *Accidently clicks visual studio icon*
  • 24
    Vs code opens within a second for me and can close it in the same second...
  • 2
    @Codex404 This is true after the first startup of the application, but if it is the first time since you reboot, it takes about 5-7 seconds for me.
  • 6
    Ive had this with after effects that contains a metric fuckton of 3rd party plugins (half of which with expired licenses). Oh boy did i age during those startups
  • 5
    @AlgoRythm just get an ssd
  • 8
    *purposefully clicks visual studio code icon on your computer*

  • 2
    @SandervDoorn No plugins

    @endor I have one, but I don't put many programs on it unless I really need the speed.
  • 4
    *accidently clicks edge* aaah
  • 4
    @AlgoRythm but that's the whole point of using an ssd: speeding up loading times of frequently used stuff (unless you rarely use VSC, in which case you should probably remove the icon from the quickstart bar 🤣).
    Plus, VSC is not a large install, so you wouldn't lose much space on your ssd from that
  • 12
    *accidentally clicks android studio*
    *mouse slips and clicks 3ds max*
  • 4
    @sharktits FUUUUUUCK.

    *accidentally double clicks 3DS max again* NOooooooooo
  • 6
    My horror story is clicking on Xcode icon regardless if it takes a second or an hour to open, that shit is the cause of lots of pain and sadness 😒
  • 5
    My heart skipped a bit when I saw your username and mentions
  • 1
    VSCode usually takes <3 seconds to launch after a reboot. When i launch it again, it is always <2 seconds.

    Android Studio is where it's at, launching at whopping <8 seconds.
  • 3
    @algorhythm Holy shit
  • 6
    * accidentally clicked sync Gradle in android studio*
    Me: break time
  • 2
    *accidently clicks shutdown*
  • 2
    *accidentally clicks Adobe After Effects*

    OH NOE
  • 3
    Vscode is more faster then atom ouffff
  • 2
    @linuswillner same for any of the Adobe cloud stuff. That crap takes F O R E V E R to start up.
  • 2
    this made my day..
  • 1
    *accidentally clicks on atom with tons of plugin installed*
  • 1
    And the day my atom editor crashed so I shift to vs code
  • 5
    * Accidently logon to Windows *

  • 2
    Dont worry.
    Get Atom.
  • 0
  • 0
    @AlgoRythm wow, the horror
  • 0
    @Paramite Takes a bit to launch.
  • 0
    @Paramite 0 plugins
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