We often give access to a product owner from the customer on our Jira to keep up a good communication and everyone stays up to date as everything is on the board and not hidden in emails or paper notes on the desk of the guy that is on vacation.

So far, so good

Our customers really like this as they can comment on tickets and they are integrated in the workflow because they can push into the backlog and can review finished tasks.

It is just getting better for everyone so where is the rant?

One project is just a dump of shitty mixed content tickets. But how? They look really neat. There are tickets like "fixes from meeting 20th of may" which are initially well structured with approximately 4 subtle changes to the UI and some explanation and screenshots.

PM says: Good ticket. There you go ticket, into the customer review loop of doom.

20 comments and 13 status changes later. Point 43 from comment 17 is referenced in comment 20 to keep on hold as a third party needs to give feedback, point 7 is still not solved correctly as dev 2 was not aware that it was already discussed and changed in the ticket "Call from 25th of may" where in addition the resolution of points 5-12 were requested with an additional excel file to import.

By now we have the 8th of august and literally 17 of these kind of tickets.

I guess we need to improve the workflow and request a new product owner. But this far I just table flip everytime I get one of these tickets assigned.

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    This is where the mindset of "Jira is all you need to document" fails. This is not a knock against Jira but a knock on the philosophy that a backlog of Jira issues is all you need. A living functional doc/design doc/whatever works doc outside of Jira (or whatever tool) can be invaluable to provide an amalgamated picture of the end goal of all those issues. Scrum/Jira dogmatists seem to frown on this more often than not, though.
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    The tickets created by the PM are out of a well constructed offer the customer signed (29 pages of who is expected to do what and milestones etc.). This works really good for us as we always can refer to the offer and only do what is discussed there. Everything else is in addition and creates costs.

    We had to extract additional tasks out of the comments in the first place.
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