
Awaiting "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO YOU MOTHERFUCKER" comment any moment

My reply: It had to be done.

  • 3
    Nice! My biggest merge so far was 660 files :) noone even bothered reviewing it...
  • 1
    So jealous that your team uses GitLab, we started 3 years ago on GitHub in private repos under our research advisor's account, not even an organization >:(

    I've tried lobbying to get that moved at least to an organization, but they say it's too much effort. I say it isn't much more than a git pull and git push, archiving the old one cor the existing issues, and continuing where we left off. I also say it's too much effort for him to manually add every new member to the ten repos we have instead of creating a subteam.
  • 0
    Maybe they change main path of files 😂, many files addition and deletion..
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